Welcome to Alissa Spa|Body to Body Massage Jaipur

Open Hours: 10:30 A.M to 09:30 P.M Contact: 8860824147

About Alissa Spa and Massage Jaipur | Body to Body Massage Jaipur | Body to Body Massage in Mansarovar Jaipur

Body to Body Massage Jaipur

Four Hand massage / Sandwich Massage

Duration: 60 minutes / 90 minutes


Face & Head Massage

Duration: 60 minutes / 90 minutes


Body to Body Massage in Jaipur

Duration: 60 minutes / 90 minutes

Four Hand Massage

Four Hand Massage
450 Massage Done

Sandwich Massage

Sandwich Massage
700 Massage Done

Body to Body Massage

Body to Body Massage
520 Massage Done


1200 Massage Done

Alissa Spa and Massage offers Body to Body Massage in Jaipur

Book your session Now

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Siddharth Telijaipur

I came in for a spa day thinking that this would be like every other boring spa I have been to. I was pleased to see that I was completely wrong! As I went upstairs to the spa, I was amazed at the beautiful decor.very good perfume of some while lily .

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Rituraj Tomarjaipur

This is one of the best spa in the city.very well trained therapists.beautiful ambience ,very relaxing. I had a great time.I will surely recommend everyone to go for winter special candle massage. .

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Sonu Prasadjaipur

This place is awesome! They really understand and make sure that you are pampered and made to feel that you are the MOST important person there. They strive to make sure your visit is perfect and relaxing.... .